
Public Safety

Matthew believes in the strength of our communities and the importance of making them safer for everyone. Drawing on years of experience in criminal prosecution, he has seen firsthand the devastating impact of crime on families and communities. Matthew advocates for enhanced training for law enforcement in areas including evidence-based investigation techniques and supports policies that foster collaboration between police and the communities they serve.

Matthew will work to increase funding for police, fire, and first responders and strengthen training for police officers. Matthew will utilize federal resources to support small, rural police departments and help build more community-based policing programs. Matthew will work to ensure our police, fire, and rescue departments are staffed up and have the support they need to prevent police, firefighter, and paramedic burnout. Also, Matthew will work to ensure federal, state, and local officials have the resources and tools required to get Fentanyl and illegal guns off our streets.


We must elect leaders who are clear in their commitment to using every lever of power to ensure that Americans can afford to live a high-quality life and raise their families in a manner with opportunities to succeed. In Congress, Matthew will hold that as his north star, and will work to fix stagnant wage growth, income inequality, the growing wealth gap, and the shrinking middle class. We must continue to strengthen the power of workers through their right to collective bargain. We must also work to address inflation by placing more emphasis on improving supply by strengthening supply chains and increasing domestic production and manufacturing.

Reproductive Rights

Matthew stands firmly in support of reproductive rights, advocating for women's autonomy and access to healthcare. He believes in the importance of safeguarding these rights, ensuring that decisions regarding reproductive health are made by women, with the counsel of their doctors, free from undue government interference. When elected to Congress, Matthew will fight to protect a woman’s right to make her own health care decisions.

The Dobbs decision said that regulation of a medical procedure that only women can undergo does not trigger heightened scrutiny. That is backwards. The fact that the regulation of a medical procedure applies only to women is why it should trigger heightened scrutiny. The Dobbs decision is wrongly decided and, as a result, women had their reproductive rights restricted due to being female. Matthew will fight to restore those rights.

Healthcare and Prescription Drugs

Matthew is committed to expanding access to health services and reducing bureaucratic red tape. He opposes the undue burden that employer-based healthcare places on small businesses and advocates for a system that is more accessible, transparent, and efficient for everyone. Matthew also supports programs like Medicare and Medicaid having the ability to collectively bargain prices with drug manufacturers.

Leading the Free World

Matthew will make sure that America continues to carry the torch as the arsenal of democracy. Our greatest generation once stood up and made tremendous sacrifices the last time we had a dictator start absorbing his neighbors. We are seeing a repeat of that now as Russia continues to invade other countries. Last time around, appeasement and tolerance did not work. This time around, we have an opportunity to avoid repeating mistakes of the past. Matthew believes that America should support Ukraine as its people strive to be free and independent and to join the west just like its neighbors like Poland or Romania or the Baltic States. But its freedom and sovereignty are under attack. They need America's help. Matthew believes it is our duty to stand up for freedom and democracy and help them in their struggle because Russia will not stop at Ukraine.