My campaign is about Possibility, Progress, and Solutions

Look, We all know what the news channels want us to focus on: rage, conflict, pitting US against US. That’s wrong and that’s not how I am going to run a campaign, because that’s not how I will be as your next Representative to the United States Congress

Americans need leadership that works, representatives that provide solutions. Right now there is WAY too much finger pointing and yelling. Today’s politics of pessimism and grievance is exhausting and unsustainable. Listening to our elected officials and the folks in the media constantly saying “Everything is someone else’s fault and everything is somehow terrible,” makes it sound like we should all just give up. That approach is not leadership.

I believe that leadership comes from focusing on the politics of optimism and of what’s possible. Whenever a person is convinced they will fail before they even try, then they will fail.

When people pursue a goal believing they can succeed, it makes success possible. That’s optimism, and that’s embracing the American dream of possibility. America is already great. I believe America can handle any problems we are facing. I’m ready to get to work to make that a reality.

We have an accountability problem right now. It’s a race to the bottom where any behavior is fine if someone else did it first. I mean, We teach our children that two wrongs don’t make a right. So, It makes no sense for people to constantly point the finger at the other side, while also using the other side as a role model. I will bring leadership that is focused on raising the bar instead of lowering it.

My goal as your representative is simple: ensure that people have an easier time making ends meet so they can have a higher quality of life.

I’m ready to get to work.

I’ll work for the people in the 5th so that they have access to more affordable housing, more affordable groceries, more affordable gas for their cars, and more affordable heating bills.

I’ve worked shoulder to shoulder with police my entire career. I will be a fighter for law enforcement and important needs like public safety, firearm safety, proper training, and more school resource officers. I’ll be a fighter for veterans to have access to health care both physically and mentally, and it’s time we gave special attention to those struggling to overcome addiction. And I’ll see to it that we have increased success helping our homeless population.

I’ve spent most of my career protecting victims and survivors of domestic violence and holding their abusers accountable. It’s not easy work. But working hard keeps you moving forward, it keeps progress alive. It teaches you to cherish your successes, and it teaches you humility when you take your lumps. It is a difficult arena to work in, and I’ve seen a lot of ugliness that’s in this world.

But, still I see more hope, I see more possibility, because those experiences have helped me embrace the things that we do have, and have helped me be thankful for the things we can celebrate.

I have seen how hard it is for someone trapped in an abusive relationship to escape and start over again in a healthy life. Even the toughest issues have solutions. Time and time again, I’ve seen courageous survivors pull it off. After seeing that, I know that anything is possible, but first we need to embrace the possible -- so join us!